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Flirting Hot Tub Wife

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Flirting Hot Tub Wife

Found this on another site labeled Britney Spears Nude at Pool. The blatant hot wife vibe in the video was totally lost on others so I wanted to share it here. Wifey sits bored, chatting with hubby in the hot tub and gets an ear to ear grin when a hot black stud she knows happens to walk by. She waves to him and gets out of the hottub and hugs him sensually in front of her husband before whispering something into his ear. As she gets back in the tub she introduces him to her husband who shakes the black bulls hand. Very subtle & extremely hot.

Added: 11 years ago by tu1ip
Duration: 2m:52s
Rating: 1 2 3 4 4.5 by 218 raters
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Comments: 3 of 13 comments   Add comment

30 November, 2015 by Retired Cuckold:

I was a cuckold husband with my ex-wife and this brings back memories! This shows a REAL cuckold perfectly! This is how the wife is, she ignores you as a husband and will blatantly stare at the man she lusts after. Then when he is in front of you, she will hug and kiss him longer than normal and not care who is watching. She will humiliate you without even trying. If you notice, when she gets back in the tub, her clit is completely swollen from being so turned on! This is how my ex-wife was. She would make love to me and seem bored and couldn't wait to get it over with. She would take hours to even cum. Eventually I would give her head as she watched porn. They need strange cock and from men who aren't affectionate. I would go down on her and smell other men's cum in her pussy. At first I was mad, but, eventually, when you love her, you accept it and want her to feel pleasure, even if it is with another man.

26 November, 2014 by Anonymous:

I dont know where this club is but wonder why men have trunks on and women are nude...?

03 September, 2014 by Robert S:

I agree, it's insanely hot :) I wonder what she was whispering??