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Interracial Hypno (Kinda), Volume III
Similar in construction and intent to the previous two iterations, but I like to believe that my game's gotten tighter (as the kids say) in the interim. Some of the more distracting elements have been excised; some of the more effective elements have been dialed up. I think the net result is that this is the best of the bunch. As with the previous ones, I confess that the primary audience here is my own wife, who'm I'm desperately hoping to turn on to blacks, and who is perhaps receptive to this kink, as long as it starts gently and ramps up gradually. So that's what this video does. Meanwhile, because my wife is irretrievably turned off by any sort of "white-men-are-faggots" and "cheat-on-your-pussy-husband" stuff, this video stays away from said stuff. Anyway, enjoy with a white woman you love.