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Released from Chastity for Fleshlight fuck
On my birthday I had not had sex for approx 5 months and was then in more or less permanent chastity as I am now. She said however that I could fuck my synthetic "girlfriend" Sophie on my birthday for the number of seconds that equalled the years of my birthday.
30 March, 2021 by slaveboy6969:
Still a favorite so many years later
25 December, 2016 by blondegurl454:
She is a little too cruel, she should have at least gave him a handjob after being in chastity that long.
11 August, 2016 by isandman02:
Great tease
11 August, 2016 by mjaocal:
Love this!
16 January, 2016 by WhiteWolf:
What a great woman!!!
10 August, 2015 by mrwhip:
She is such a lovely slut wife!