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Secret House Sale- Power of a Vagina- seals the deal.

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Secret House Sale- Power of a Vagina- seals the deal.

Frustrated HouseWfe wants the House Sold. Her Husband is not doing a good job at it. After he heads off to work. She calls a few prospective Buyers and One Stops by for a look see. She does everything in her power to sell the house Between her legs the power of her Vagina.....sells the house. He Husband doesn't know...about this. All she wants is to move into a new house. A Bare Black COCK gets comfortable inside her and they fuck and fuck. She seals the deal with him cumming inside her unprotected vagina..

Added: 12 years ago by terryforsex
Duration: 5m:57s
Rating: 1 2 3 4 4.5 by 24 raters
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Comments: 3 of 3 comments   Add comment

08 July, 2017 by devilsnj:

I hate the pro stuff, but with an ass like that I'll take it.

30 January, 2015 by isandman02:

Not cheap fucking porn...that dude is a famous porn star and probably charges a lot for that.

29 January, 2015 by LuvlyLondon:

Where was the camera operator hiding? In the wardrobe? Cheap fucking porn!