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Ultimate Humiliation

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Ultimate Humiliation

This horny bitch Chanel doesn???t care about her husband at all and so she humiliates her husband by organizing a hardcore fucking and blowjob making action. She calls two mighty fuckers to visit her and help to satisfy her endless and totally wild lust. She also uses a doll for fuck filled with air. Her tough lovers were so excited that were banging this little slut with all their desire, passion and mercilessness. They had such a good time that almost forgot about the fact that they are making her husband a cuckold. She was asking them to give her some more and they were happily following her orders. Their movements were becoming rougher and faster and in the end they have reached their orgasms and have unloaded their nuts with a huge joy. This action will hardly be able to forget! And there is no doubt that they will do it once again !

Added: 12 years ago by bobcos
Duration: 5m:25s
Rating: 1 2 3 4 5 by 70 raters
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Categories: Cuckold Videos

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Comments: 2 of 2 comments   Add comment

06 March, 2016 by XJgeub4h:

shannon is so mean... I love her.

24 April, 2015 by WhiteWolf:

She is the boss!