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wife sharing

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wife sharing

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Added: 8 years ago by Hotwifelover
Duration: 6m:24s
Rating: 1 2 3 4 5 by 9 raters
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Viewed: 5974

Tags: cuckold

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Comments: 3 of 3 comments   Add comment

09 November, 2016 by Phoeza:


07 June, 2016 by arthurarthur:

Makes it even better. ..knowing they are so dirty. ...hehe
I haven't even seen this yet but i love her legs and feet in the air. ..i went straight to it....!

07 June, 2016 by Caliban:

Why do so many of these hotel fucks happen on the bedspread and not on the sheets? Sheets get washed but I bet these cheesy bedspreads rarely are. Semen and sweat - yugh! Knowing what happens I'm surprised anybody is willing to lie on them. Reminds me of some movie where they used a UV light to expose many stains - 'I hope it's urine'.